![]() | +17 December 1999 Vitaflo v6 has finally launched, and ahead of schedule. Think of it as an early Christmas present. Of course, now the cover will be up for a month and a half since it's January's cover, but why not, I'm in the giving mood. Overall though, I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out. Are you? With that said, the site is still a bit lite on content. Expect that to change in the coming weeks and months as I add more Projects, Docs, and new sections to the site.
![]() | +16 December 1999 Rather surprisingly I got an article posted to Slashdot about the eToys vs etoy debate. Now NSI has stepped into the fold and taken away etoy.com's email as well. This just keeps getting worse and worse. What you can do: Email eToys, email NSI, and most importantly, email those you know telling them about this and that you disaprove. Please be constructive in your criticism. Nothing kills a protest like "you suck!" messages. Also there has been talk of starting "electronic warfare" on eToys. Please do NOT participate in such activities. Besides being illegal, you open up the doors to this potentially backfiring on etoy.com during trial, which is who we (or at least I'm) trying to protect in all of this.
![]() | +15 December 1999 I was reminded of an interesting website today when I did a search on Google for "vitaflo". About 2 years after I started vitaflo I did a similar search and found out about "Vitaflo Dual Purpose by Gustafson". Now, lets think about this for a minute. I hack together the name "vitaflo" from some things from my past, start a website w/ the same name, and then 2 years later find out there's some company with the same name as my last name selling fungicide with the same name as this website. Eerie to say the least.
![]() | +12 December 1999 "Hyperbola", which is basically my first tinkering with Flash (I know, I've been stuck on Javascript too long) is starting to come along. Flash isn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The problem now stems from coming up with ideas. However, I think I have a good start.
version 6 progress:
*Nav JS improved. |
![]() | +7 December 1999 Late last night I got the relaunch cover design, done by Mike Young. Since it was done mostly in yellows, I had to then go ahead and change the color scheme. Because of the way I implimented the site, it took me about 20 minutes to change the entire sites scheme. Overall I'm happy, especially now that I know what this thing will actually look like when it's all said and done.
version 6 progress:
*cover page done. |
![]() | +3 December 1999 Yet another example of the little guy being hurt (in this case killed off) by Mr. Big-Rich-Online-Bully. In this case, eToys.com has decided to take etoy.com to court and got them to take down their website or face a fine of $10,000 per day. Normally this is a clash of business to business, but in this instance, etoy.com is simply an experimental design site, and eToys thought that they "dimished their brand" since the names were similar, even though etoy.com was around over 2 years before eToys.com. I've already sent my email of disgust to Jonathan Cutler, Public Relations Manager at eToys.
version 6 progress:
*starting new project, "CERN". |
![]() | +2 December 1999 I had a real problem today with setting up the subscription scripts. Now, the actual subscribing part was easy, but then I wanted to write a script that would send out all the emails through a form on the web. Well that ended up not working, because if any of the emails bounced, I wouldn't get them, the server admin would. So I spent the last 4 hours figuring out a workaround. Turns out that because Sendmail doesn't know who's sending email if you use it through the web, it will just send it back to root. So in order to fix it I had to make my Perl script into an actual application, and run it from the command line. Not as simple, but it gets the job done. version 6 progress:
*href page and scripts completed. |
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